Ex: allergies, essential oils you do or don't like, table warmer on/off, etc.
I understand that the bodywork I receive is provided for the purpose of relief of muscular tension and dysfunction, relaxation, and stress reduction. If I experience pain or discomfort during this session, I will immediately inform the practitioner so that the posture, pressure, temperature, or any other factors can be adjusted to my comfort level.
I further understand that massage therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications, and that it is recommended that I concurrently work with my Primary Caregiver for any condition I may have. I am aware that the massage therapist does not diagnose illness or disease, does not prescribe medications, and that spinal manipulations are not part of massage therapy.
I have informed the massage therapist of all my known physical conditions, medical conditions and medications, and I will keep the massage therapist updated on any changes.